PS5: How long does it take to charge a DualSense controller?

Having to wait for more Returnal can be a drag. One of the most annoying things you can see on your PS5 is a little notification in the corner warning you that your DualSense battery is low in the middle of a marathon gaming session.

Charges for controllers are nothing new, of course. In contrast with Xbox’s AA batteries, Sony’s DualSense controllers come with built-in batteries, so when you want to charge them, you have to be tethered to the console/a plug socket.

How long does it take for the PS5 controller to fully charge? Below you’ll find all the information you need.

How long does it take to charge a DualSense controller?

It will take around three hours to charge the PS5 controller when connected to the console or docking station, according to the official PlayStation Blog.

DualSense controllers that take a significant amount longer to charge may need to be checked as soon as possible because they could be faulty.

How to charge your DualSense controller

It is possible to charge your DualSense controller either by connecting it to your PS5 console or by placing it in the official DualSense charging station. Here is where you can purchase the Charging Station.

It is recommended to use the above methods to charge your DualSense, but it can also be charged using other power sources, or unofficial Charging Stations.


In conclusion, the DualSense controller for the PlayStation 5 (PS5) offers an immersive gaming experience with its advanced features and haptic feedback. When it comes to charging the DualSense controller, the charging time can vary depending on several factors. The official charging method for the DualSense controller is to connect it to the PS5 console using the USB-C cable provided.

On average, it takes around 2 to 3 hours for the DualSense controller to fully charge from a low battery level. However, the charging time may vary based on the battery level, the power source, and whether you are using the controller while it’s charging. It’s recommended to follow the guidelines provided by Sony and allow sufficient time for the controller to charge to ensure optimal performance during your gaming sessions.


Q: How do I charge the DualSense controller for the PS5?

A: To charge the DualSense controller, follow these steps:

  • Connect one end of the USB-C cable provided with the PS5 console to the USB-C port on the back of the DualSense controller.
  • Connect the other end of the USB-C cable to one of the USB ports on the front or back of the PS5 console.
  • The controller will begin charging automatically when properly connected.

Q: How long does it take to fully charge a DualSense controller?

A: On average, it takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to fully charge a DualSense controller from a low battery level. However, the charging time may vary depending on factors such as the battery level, the power source, and whether you are using the controller while it’s charging.

Q: Can I charge the DualSense controller using a different power source or cable?

A: While the recommended method is to charge the DualSense controller by connecting it to the PS5 console using the provided USB-C cable, you can also charge it using a compatible USB-C charger or power adapter. However, it is important to use a reliable power source and a USB-C cable that supports data and power transfer to ensure safe and efficient charging.

Q: Can I use the DualSense controller while it’s charging?

A: Yes, you can use the DualSense controller while it’s charging. However, it’s important to note that using the controller while charging may increase the charging time as it will be simultaneously powering the controller and charging the battery. If you need to charge the controller quickly, it’s recommended to avoid using it during the charging process.

Q: How can I check the battery level of the DualSense controller?

A: To check the battery level of the DualSense controller, follow these steps:

  • Press the PlayStation button on the controller to turn on the PS5 console.
  • The battery level of the controller will be displayed on the screen in the lower-right corner of the user interface.

Q: Is it necessary to fully drain the DualSense controller’s battery before charging it?

A: No, it is not necessary to fully drain the DualSense controller’s battery before charging it. The controller can be charged at any battery level. However, it is generally recommended to avoid frequent partial charging and aim for full charge cycles to maintain the overall battery health and longevity of the controller.

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